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Vietnamese Noodle Soup
In the 1940's, PHO was very popular, which was seen as a special food gift of Hanoi People. It is the all-day food of all sorts of people from students, workers to civil servants. After 1975, PHO began to be known around the world when Vietnamese people moved to foreign countries and especially to Australia. Our main story started from here. Our family has lived in Australia for more than 10 years, and has done all the work from waiter to chef and restaurant manager. Therefore, with the wealth of experience, effort and exploring the own formulas have created the particular flavor of PHO. In the early stages, it was really hard for us to transport meat, bones and vegetables because we only owned a cycle. Over time, we are well aware that what we create is what our customers want to be. We always assure in choosing fresh meats and vegetables to satisfy each customer. Fortunately, we started our business at Flinders Stations, therefore,
PHO FLINDERS was chosen to ease the mind of our customers.

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